Monday, April 30, 2007

The Raw Shark Texts, by Steven Hall

Resembling a cyber-punk mash-up of Memento, The Matrix, Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere, and Jaws, Steven Hall’s debut novel is already gaining momentum as the next big cult classic (thanks in part to a juggernaut of a Da Vinci Code-esque marketing campaign). As for the book itself, some parts are wonderfully abstract and original while other moments are all too similar to their inspired sources (the last quarter of the book resembles a scene-by-scene homage to Jaws). Despite the obvious influences, overall this book is one of the most original debuts in years and unlike anything you’ve ever read. The motorcycle chase scene with the shark and the letter bomb was unforgettable. I just wish that excitement had carried through the rest of the book.

A few dozen foreign rights deals were in place before the book even saw print and the movie is already in the works. Rumor has it that Nicole Kidman was so taken by the book that she asked Hall to change the gender of the main character so she could play the role in the film. It won’t win any major literary awards but it’s a fun ride nonetheless.

The US tour brings Hall to NYC on May 7th upstairs at Mo Pitkins (34 Ave A betw, 2nd and 3rd) and May 8th at the Barnes and Noble on 6th Ave @ 22nd St. Both at 7pm.

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